Original Videos
Check out Empodera’s original videos on gender and climate!
InstaLive: Education for Gender Equality and Climate Justice
Earth Week live about girls’ education for climate action with @ungirlseducation - represented by @nkpahh -, @vanessanakate1 - representing the @riseupmovement1 - and @shamahbulangis. Our director @renata_alvarenga was hosting the conversation.
Yande Banda: Chair of Transform Education
Vanessa Nakate: Founder of Riseup Movement
Renata Koch Alvarenga: Director of EmpoderaClima
Language: English | April 2021
InstaLive: Mujeres en los espacios de formulación de políticas ambientales
En nuestro segundo live especial esta semana, nuestra voluntaria Gisela Cubilla conversó con la co-fundadora de @latinasforclimate, Sofia Hernandez, sobre la importancia de tener a mujeres acupando puestos de decisiones políticas que promuevan el desarrollo sustentable.
Language: Spanish | April 2021
InstaLive: Educando Jovens para a Justiça Climática
Live especial da Semana da Terra e do aniversário de 2 anos do EmpoderaClima. em parceria com a @climate_science
Amanda Suarez: Coordenadora Nacional do ClimateScience
Gabriel Andriolli: Voluntario de Comunicaçao do EmpoderaClima
Language: Portuguese | April 2021
Webinar: Le Genre et la Réduction des Risques de Catastrophe
Webinar: Gender and Disaster Risk Reduction
[French] Webinar par le “Conseil Consultatif pour la Réduction des Risques de Catastrophe” de l’Union Africaine (CCJA-RRC) et EmpoderaClima, pour discuter les défis de genre face aux catastrophes et la nécessité et la justification de son inclusion dans toutes les phases de la gestion des catastrophes, en donnant des leçons et de solutions.
Language: French | July 2020
Webinar: Mulheres Brasileiras Pela Biodiversidade
Webinar: Brazilian Women for Biodiversity
[Portuguese] EmpoderaClima Webinar em comemoração ao Dia Internacional da Biodiversidade, com a presença de duas mulheres líderes na conservação da biodiversidade brasileira: Flávia Miranda, Fundadora do Instituto Tamanduá, e Sandrine Gouvêa, Analista do ICLEI América do Sul.
[English] EmpoderaClima Webinar in celebration of International Day of Biodiversity, with the participation of two woman leaders in biodiversity conservation in Brazil: Flávia Miranda, Founder of the Tamanduá Institute, and Sandrine Gouvêa, Analyst at ICLEI South America. Summary in English can be found here.
Language: Portuguese | May 2020
EmpoderaClima: One-Year Birthday
On the 50th Earth Day, April 22nd of 2020, EmpoderaClima turned one! We celebrated by adding one more language to our educational platform about gender equality for climate action: French. Check out our video featuring some of our volunteers, speaking in our four working languages!
Languages: English, Portuguese, French, Spanish | April 2020
Webinar: Women on the Frontline of Climate Change and Covid-19
To celebrate Earth Day, EmpoderaClima hosted a webinar titled “Women on the Frontline of Climate Change... and COVID-19.” This webinar was moderated by Renata Koch Alvarenga, Founder & Director of EmpoderaClima, and featured presentations by Shannon Greene, Researcher at EmpoderaClima from Ireland, and Tetet Nera-Lauron, Advisor for the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation from the Philippines.
Language: English | April 2020
EmpoderaClima: From a Draft to Global Launch
Discover how EmpoderaClima was created through our webinar about our program. Meet our Founder and Director Renata Koch Alvarenga as she discusses how she created EmpoderaClima through the program Online Youth Exchange, recently relaunched as ClimAcademy.
Language: English | June 2019
COP 25 EmpoderaClima Side Event: Translating Policy into Action
In December 2019, EmpoderaClima hosted an official UNFCCC side event at COP25 in Madrid, titled "Translating Policy into Action: the role of young women of the Global South for Climate Justice". The speakers represented the following organizations and countries: EmpoderaClima (Brazil), GenderCC (Brazil), SustainUS (United States and Guam), RCOI (Madagascar) and Nature Advocate (Lebanon).
Language: English | December 2019