Empoderando pelo Clima
Empoderando pelo Clima 🌴
Educating young women in climate leadership is one of the most effective solutions to the systemic crisis we are experiencing.
The effects of climate change are making the headlines more and more frequently. Examples include the floods in Rio Grande do Sul, the intense heat waves in Rio de Janeiro, the droughts in the Pantanal and the Amazon and worrying statements about climate policy by global leaders. This chaotic scenario makes us reflect on what we can really do about the situation. A simple answer, not taken seriously enough: educate young women for climate leadership.
Girls and women are more deeply affected by climate change than boys and men. For example, during times of drought, girls become responsible for helping their families in their homes and have no choice but to stop going to school to do these household chores. This narrative needs to change. It's time to recognize the power of educating young women to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
That's why EmpoderaClima is launching an unprecedented project: Empoderando pelo Clima (in English, Empowering for Climate)! Read more below and find out how you can get involved!
Climate education for women and girls can and will change the world. And that's what we're trying to achieve with Empowering for Climate. With the financial support of the Re-Earth Initiative, the project will select fifteen (15) women and girls from different regions of Brazil, with the aim of offering training in topics related to climate, climate change and public policies, communication, as well as contact with other influential women who also work in the area of climate action in Brazil and internationally.
At the end of the program, participants will develop a project at the local level where they will be able to apply the knowledge they have acquired to change their territorial context and engage their community in climate action.
Brazilian young cis and trans women between the ages of 18 and 28 from all regions of Brazil who want to develop their knowledge of climate action, what can be done at a public policy level, and who seek to bring about change and pass on the skills acquired during the sessions offered by the project to their local communities.
For effective action against climate change in Brazil and around the world, education needs to go hand in hand with gender, because knowledge is a tool that can turn girls into agents of change, to defend sustainable development in their own communities. That's why EmpoderaClima is launching a new project: Empowering for Climate.
Are you from Brazil and would like to boost your climate activism?
Would you like to get involved in an incredible project to gain knowledge about climate change and its effects, as well as understand what can be done at a public policy level?
Then you're in the right place! EmpoderaClima aims with Empowe ing for Climate to change the narrative regarding the role of young women in combating climate change, and to facilitate a space for exchange and knowledge so that you can play a role of change in your own city or community.
Applications opens on June 5, 2024 and runs until June 26, 2024 at 23:59 Brasília time.
This project is funded by Re-Earth Initiative.